You know that wonderful smell of cookies baking in the kitchen wafting through your home? Maybe it was when you visited Grandma’s house or your own childhood memories of cinnamon, cocoa powder, peppermint candies and vanilla. Cookie baking is one of the most enjoyed and anticipated traditions of the holidays.
It's also one of those nice homey smells that buyers remember after they toured your home. (Yes, December is a great time to put your house on the market!) As cliché as it sounds in the home-selling world, the smell of cookies or freshly baked bread really do make a house feel like home. Don't have the time? Place a drop of vanilla in the stove and let it preheat then turn it off. It will smell like you baked, without having to.
Check out Pinterest or Google “easy Christmas cookies” … or use your chocolate chip cookie recipe & switch it up using crushed candy canes or chocolate kisses!
And remember to share your favorite recipes with us! (Our favorites are Grandma’s butter cookie cut-outs – or maybe the chocolate mint brownie drops – or maybe the white chocolate candy cane drops White Chocolate Candy Cane Drop Cookies)
There’s no better time than the holidays to indulge in decadent goodies! (Next month we’ll remind ourselves the importance of exercise and diet!)